sábado, 28 de novembro de 2009

Concessão de Permanência

  • Concessão de permanência definitiva a asilado ou refugiado

o estrangeiro que estiver no Brasil na condição de Refugiado ou Asilado e pretender permanecer no território nacional deverá atender um dos requisitos abaixo da Resolução Normativa nº 06 de 21 de agosto de 1997, do Conselho Nacional de Imigração:

1- Residir no Brasil há no mínimo 06 (seis) anos na condição de refugiado ou asilado;

2- Ser profissional qualificado e contratado por instituição instalada no País, ouvido o Ministério do Trabalho;

3- Ser profissional de capacitação reconhecida por órgão da área pertinente;

4- Estar estabelecido com negócio resultante de investimento de capital próprio, que satisfaça os objetivos de Resolução Normativa do Conselho Nacional de Imigração, relativos á concessão de visto a investidor estrangeiro.

.Concessão de permanência definitiva, com base em reunião familiar.

Em seu regresso ao País, o cidadão brasileiro que desejar levar consigo familiares estrangeiros poderá pleitear para esses familiares visto permanente.

O pedido de visto permanente com finalidade de reunião familiar pode ser apresentado por:

- cônjuge de brasileiro;

- ascendentes, desde que demonstrada a necessidade de amparo pelo chamante;

- filhos solteiros menores de 21 anos, naturais ou adotivos, ou maiores incapazes de prover o próprio sustento;

- irmãos, netos ou bisnetos, se órfãos, solteiros e menores de 21 anos, ou de qualquer idade, se incapazes de prover o próprio sustento.

- Os dependentes a que se referem as letras (c) e (d) serão assim considerados até o ano-calendário em que completarem 24 anos, desde que estejam cursando escola técnica de nível médio ou curso superior (graduação ou pós-graduação).

sexta-feira, 27 de novembro de 2009

Decision for Battisti's extradition can open the door

Brasília, 12/11/09 - If the Supreme Court decides on the extradition of Italian Cesare Battisti to their home country, Brazil will receive more requests for extradition of other refugees. According to the National Committee for Refugees (CONARE), a body chaired by the Ministry of Justice, representatives of various countries, mainly from Latin America, have indicated interest to revoke the refuge of their nationals. Currently live in Brazil 4183 refugees from 76 different countries.

If this happens, the country abuses the rule in the UN convention of 1951, ratified by Brazil, which prevents the extradition of refugees as well as being a precedent for similar actions in other countries.

Currently countries fail to appeal to the Supreme Courts because the law prevents the delivery of refugees and provides that extradition proceedings are filed when there is recognition of the refuge by the Executive.

The chairman of CONARE, Luiz Paulo Barreto, any international system that the shelter structure is based on the stability and legal protection of refugees. "That is why the UN convention and the Brazilian law does not allow the extradition of a refugee. Otherwise, they shall always be subject to prosecution or persecution of the country of origin for the same reasons that led the host country to protect it. It would be the end of the legal and social stability that characterize and support the refuge, "said Barreto.

The trial on the extradition of Cesare Battisti began on September 9. He was interrupted by a request to have the minister Marco Aurélio Mello and will continue on Thursday (12). Battisti was sentenced in Italy to life imprisonment in 1990 for four murders that occurred in the 70's.

The refuge of Battisti was granted by Justice Minister Tarso Genro, in January, in the level of appeal on behalf of the "well-founded fear of persecution" of Battisti in your country

segunda-feira, 23 de novembro de 2009

Cada vez mais latinos chegam ao Brasil e mudam rota

Cada vez mais latinos desembarcam no Brasil, deixando para trás a economia oscilante de seus países e as rotas mais tradicionais de imigração. Nos Estados Unidos, por exemplo, a taxa de desemprego deve chegar a 9,8% em 2010, quase o dobro dos 5% registrados dois anos atrás. Outro destino tradicional, a Espanha vai terminar 2009 com 20,9% da população local sem trabalho. Números que fazem os latinos mudar o foco e ver no país do pré-sal, da Copa de 2014 e da Olimpíada de 2016 a chance de uma vida mais digna.

"Só o que está previsto de investimento no projeto do pré-sal, da Copa do Mundo e da Olimpíada, e consequentemente a geração de empregos, é uma razão forte para convencer mais latinos a virem para o Brasil", avalia a economista Lia Valls, pesquisadora do Instituto Brasileiro de Economia (Ibre), da Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV). A previsão da Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU) é de que, em 2010, o Brasil reverta uma tendência histórica e, pela primeira vez desde 1960, tenha aumento no número de imigrantes.

A política receptiva aos estrangeiros é um dos principais atrativos apontados pelos imigrantes. "O Brasil abriga todos os países", diz a boliviana Ximena, de 27 anos. Mãe de duas meninas, de 8 e 5 anos, ela trabalha em uma confecção, oito horas por dia, e ganha R$ 500 por mês. O marido, Esteves, de 28 anos, recebe outros R$ 600. Enquanto aguarda na fila de uma agência de remessa de dólares no Brás, zona leste de São Paulo, ela conta que sua família divide uma casa antiga com outros imigrantes e que precisa apertar o cinto para enviar alguma sobra aos parentes que ficaram em La Paz.

A remessa regular de dinheiro para o exterior, por sinal, é outro efeito da anistia aos imigrantes, segundo Roger Ades, vice-presidente da Associação Brasileira das Empresas Prestadoras de Serviços de Microtransferência de Dinheiro (ABMTransf). "Como tem aumentado a legalização desses estrangeiros, eles têm migrado as remessas ilegais para as legais. Aí, conseguimos mensurar melhor o crescimento do volume de recursos", explica. Dados do Banco Central (BC) mostram que, na comparação entre agosto de 2008 e 2009, as remessas de dólares por estrangeiros residentes aumentaram US$ 4,8 milhões, ou 8,4%. Nos últimos dois anos, o crescimento foi de 25%.

Fonte: Jornal Cruzeiro do Sul

Constituição foi preservada em julgamento do caso Battisti, diz Tarso

Brasília, 19/11/09 (MJ) – A decisão do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) de que o presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva tem autonomia para deliberar sobre a extradição do italiano Cesare Battisti fez o caso “voltar ao leito normal da norma constitucional”, disse, nesta quinta-feira (19), o ministro da Justiça, Tarso Genro. Em entrevista coletiva, em Brasília, o ministro afirmou que o “sistema constitucional foi preservado”.

“Reconhecendo que é o presidente da República que dirige a política externa, (a decisão do Supremo) compreende este ato como um juízo político”, apontou Tarso. “Aliás, é preciso deixar claro que, se eu tivesse definido o refúgio do Battisti, a quem caberia decidir sobre a reforma do meu despacho? Ao presidente da República.”

Nesta quarta-feira (18), o STF decidiu, por 5 a 4, pela extradição de Battisti. Em seguida, com o mesmo placar, definiu que cabe ao presidente da República a decisão em última instância sobre o caso. “Ambas as decisões do Supremo são respeitáveis, bem fundamentadas, mas têm óticas jurídicas, pontos de partida interpretativos, diferentes. E isto é normal numa democracia”, ressaltou o ministro.

Tarso disse que não há prazo para a decisão final do presidente Lula. “Eu diria até que é um juízo solitário do presidente. Seja qual for a decisão, ela não será desautorizativa de ninguém, nem do Supremo, nem do seu ministro”, afirmou. “O presidente decidirá com responsabilidade e, seguramente, dentro da visão profissional, humanista e altamente politizada e qualificada em que ele sempre tomou suas decisões”.

O ministro voltou a defender o despacho que concedeu refúgio político a Battisti e afirmou que está plenamente convencido de que existem razões para sua permanência no Brasil. “O ministro Gilmar Mendes (presidente do STF), no seu voto, me homenageou com uma referência, dizendo que os objetivos da organização do Battisti eram políticos. O ponto de partida da minha decisão está confirmado pelas próprias palavras do ministro e, portanto, não eram nenhuma heresia”.

Tarso disse, ainda, que o presidente Lula ainda não o consultou sobre o assunto. “O presidente sabe da minha opinião, foi dada por escrito, com toda a fundamentação”, ressaltou. “Tenho um respeito enorme pelo Supremo, mas nenhum argumento que expedido na primeira parte do julgamento deixou de ser respondido no próprio despacho.”


La familia del brasileño Menezes llega a un acuerdo con la policía de Londres

La familia de Jean Charles de Menezes, tiroteado por error por efectivos policiales que lo confundieron con un atacante suicida, ha informado de que llegaron a un acuerdo con Scotland Yard, que le entregará una compensación por su muerte.

El joven de 27 años fue abatido en la estación de metro de Stockwell el 22 de julio de 2005 después de que los agentes lo confundieran con uno de los presuntos autores de los atentados del 7 de julio. Desde entonces, su familia ha estado librando una batalla legal contra los oficiales que le disparon.

En un comunicado conjunto, la familia y Scotland Yard han anunciado hoy que "todos los litigios" han sido resueltos. "El comisario de la Policía (...) y representantes de la familia Menezes están encantados de anunciar que todos los litigios entre ellos que surgieron por la trágica muerte de Jean Charles de Menezes se han resuelto", reza el texto.

"Los miembros de la familia están encantados de que se haya llegado a un acuerdo sobre una compensación que les permite dejar atrás estos acontecimientos y seguir adelante con sus vidas", añade el comunicado, que promete ser el último de la familia y no precisa a cuánto asciende la compensación pactada. Según la prensa británica, la suma podría ascender a las 100.000 libras (casi 111.000 euros), muy por debajo de las 300.000 que pedía la familia.

Una investigación sobre la muerte del joven realizada el año pasado desveló que la incomunicación y la confusión fue lo que llevó a los efectivos policiales -que llegaron tarde al lugar- a disparar contra el joven al que confundieron con Hussein Osman, uno de los cuatro militantes islamistas que trató, infructuosamente, de hacer estallar la red de transporte de Londres el día anterior.

Los comentarios de varios testigos contradijeron las declaraciones de que los policías habían advertido a Menezes antes de dispararle y afirmaron que los efectivos habían estado "fuera de control".

El jurado de la investigación respaldó los testimonios de los testigos, al confirmar que no hubo gritos de advertencia ni que Menezes se había acercado a los policías, como ellos afirmaban. Sin embargo, la justicia determinó que no hubo evidencias de una acción criminal justificad a y la jefatura policial también concluyó de que ninguno de los efectivos involucrados sufrirían penas disciplinarias.
AGENCIAS - Londres - 23/11/2009

Rio ganha Olimpíadas de 2016 e Brasil já se prepara para gastar R$ 25,9 bi

Depois de três tentativas fracassadas, o Brasil finalmente ganhou a disputa pela sede dos Jogos Olímpicos. Agora, o governo brasileiro pode se preparar para colocar a mão no bolso. O projeto é estimado em R$ 25,9 bilhões, cifra sem precedentes na história do esporte nacional.

Dinheiro para isso, garantem as autoridades, existe. "Entre as dez maiores economias do mundo, só o Brasil nunca organizou os Jogos Olímpicos", disse o presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva.

Presidente do Banco Central, Henrique Meirelles também fez coro. "Nós temos a 10ª maior economia do mundo e o Banco Mundial prevê que seremos a quinta até 2016. Já somos o quinto maior mercado publicitário do mundo e ainda estamos crescendo. E graças ao descobrimento do maior campo petroleiro do mundo, temos também grande reserva de petróleo. Nossa força econômica traz a certeza que podemos ter os Jogos Olímpicos".

Com a vitória, o Rio se torna a primeira cidade sul-americana a ser sede de uma Olimpíada. Além disso, faz o Brasil repetir os feitos de México, Alemanha e Estados Unidos, que organizaram, com diferença de dois anos, os Jogos Olímpicos e a Copa do Mundo.

Agora, com a vitória, o Rio de Janeiro precisa acabar com a desconfiança de que cometerá os mesmos erros do Pan. Para colocar os Jogos Pan-Americanos de 2007 de pé o Rio gastou bem mais do que estava previsto no orçamento e não entregou alguns pontos chaves do projeto, como a melhoria na rede de transporte.

O transporte, aliás, é um dos pontos fracos do projeto para 2016. O sistema de hotelaria da cidade também causa preocupação, uma vez que o Rio ainda não tem a garantia de que todos os quartos prometidos serão entregues.

Para resolver os problemas, o Rio de Janeiro apostou no maior orçamento entre as cidades finalistas. A Olimpíada de 2016 vai custar cerca de R$ 25,9 bilhões, com os gastos divididos entre os governos federal, estadual e municipal e a iniciativa privada.

Enquanto a gastança não começa, o clima é de festa. A expectativa é que 100 mil pessoas compareçam à praia de Copacabana para comemorar a vitória carioca. Em Copenhague, a festa será realizada no hotel SKT Petri, quartel-general da delegação brasileira na cidade.


domingo, 22 de novembro de 2009

Visita do presidente do Irã ao Brasil causa protestos em São Paulo

A visita do presidente iraniano Mahmoud Ahmadinejad ao Brasil, marcada para a próxima quarta-feira em Brasília, gerou prostetos em São Paulo. Cerca de 300 pessoas, segundo estimativa da Polícia Militar, fizeram uma manifestação contra a visita oficial na região da Avenida Paulista. Entre os manifestantes estavam integrantes da comunidade judaica, representantes movimentos de defesa de Direitos Humanos e homossexuais.

O protesto começou por volta das 11h30m, na Praça dos Arcos, nas proximidades da Rua da Consolação, e durou cerca de uma hora e meia e foi pacífico. O líder do Irã já defendeu a destruição do Estado de Israel, negou a existência do Holocausto e pregou a pena de morte à homossexualidade, que considera um crime.

O Itamaraty já informou que, durante o encontro com Ahmadinejad, na quarta-feira, o presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva vai reafirmar o descontentamento do Brasil com o discurso do líder do Irã, que acusou Israel de estabelecer um regime cruel e racista no Oriente Médio.

Black Men and Sex Tourism in Brazil

Ed Gordon talks with William Jelani Cobb, professor of history at Atlanta's Spelman College, about a growing number of African-American men who are traveling to Brazil and seeking out prostitutes. Cobb wrote an article in the September issue of Essence magazine titled "Blame it on Rio" on this subject.

ED GORDON, host:

I'm Ed Gordon, and this is NEWS AND NOTES.

Blame it on Rio. So says William Jelani Cobb in this month's Essence magazine. He traveled to Brazil and documented a disturbing new trend there: African-American men taking sex vacations.

The poverty in Latin America is crushing, and there's no shortage of women in places like Rio willing to say and do whatever it takes to survive. I spoke with Cobb, and he says for many African-American men, that can make for a powerful escape.

Mr. WILLIAM JELANI COBB (Professor of History, Spelman College): This kind of experience of deference and being lauded and praised and, you know, seen as, you know, this desirable individual, so it's as much psychological as it is sexual. The minute you arrive, you start hearing this cascade of compliments, and they're specifically connected to you being a black American man.

So there are beautiful women who are going, oh, I love black men, oh, you're so beautiful, oh, the black men are this, the black men are that. And you realize that you don't really hear that kind of affirmation, you know, in black America. Very often what you get is the, I love my brothers, but, you know, dot, dot, dot. There's something else attached to it. You know, you know y'all ain't right and so on.

And I think that that kind of affirmation is what makes that experience so addictive, because men go down there time and time and time again.

GORDON: You have a great tale in the first paragraph of the article that talks about how rampant this is. And that's when you sit down in a restaurant, a waiter flips open the menu displaying the specials of the evening, but also under his thumb is a four-pack of Viagra.

Mr. COBB: Right. The Viagra there is as common as sand is on the beach. On the one hand, the government is not particularly thrilled with Brazil having this reputation as being a, you know, a sexual playground. And on the other hand, it's so completely tied to the economy they have an incentive to turn a blind eye to it.

And so everyone makes money from it: the women who are involved in the trade make money from it, the hotels make money from it, the restaurants make money from it. And this particular waiter, you know, he had kind of his side hustle, which is when I came in and sat down at the table, he flipped open the menu, he had the Viagra there, and he was like, I'll sell them to you for, I think, $6, you know, a pill.

But he also pointed to a group of women who were across the room - and this is not in the article - but he said, would you like a black one or a white one? It was almost like he was talking about furniture.

GORDON: This goes beyond just the fantasy. And let's be honest, this is going to be a fantasy of many men who walk down. These are beautiful women who are coming on to you, and you say in one article a brother, an older brother, has an opportunity to go out some women that clearly in the States would not have looked at him.

Mr. COBB: Right. And so it's very common, because of the rate of exchange, that the men go down there and they can experience this kind of lifestyle of being a player, of being a baller, so to speak, in the way that they couldn't United States.

And, you know, the other side of it is, of course, that it's all game. You know, there's something behind it, that these women are in these dire economic circumstances. You know, they really don't have any other option. And so they're both - you know, as I said in the article, it's kind of the crossroads between black male insecurity and Latin American poverty, and each party has their respective motivations.

GORDON: Lest we think this is all fun and games, and one will have to believe that they'll be a lot of brothers who read this article and still with a wink and a nod think, as soon as I get out of here, I'm making my reservations to Rio…

Mr. COBB: I'm going to Brazil.

GORDON: But the downside of this, of course, is AIDS, and the rampant increase in AIDS over the last few years in Brazil.

Mr. COBB: Mm-hmm. Well, actually, the interesting thing about that - and I don't want to make it seem like this to encourage this in the least - is that the unwritten story is how well Brazil has handled its HIV issues. They were projected to have about 1.2 million HIV cases by 2005. They actually only had about 600,000. They have been very aggressive in intervening.

But that said, there are plenty of things that you can catch besides HIV. And if you are dealing with someone who has sex for a living, you place yourself, you know, severely at risk.

The other side of it as well as, you know, beyond the epidemiological issue is the moral irony. There is an absolute crushing poverty that you see, and you are clear that this is not about this woman being completely helpless by your charm. This is about someone who really doesn't have many options economically.

GORDON: But how much of that is seen. I mean I think of - I often talk about, you know, the many black folks who went down prior to Katrina to New Orleans to enjoy the Essence Music Festival, and walked past that object poverty that we say Katrina uncovered, though it was there for years and years and years. How much of this goes unseen and these guys really do believe it's their worldly charm that entices these women?

Mr. COBB: Well, you know, it's an interesting question, because it's an issue of what you see and what you want to see. You know, when you had black people who were in very subservient positions, it would be very easy for whites to say, well, blacks are just very happy. You remember that was one of the myths about us. We're just very happy, and, you know, they just love to do this kind of stuff. And it was really like, no. If you really want to open your eyes and see it, you can see that we really have no choice.

And so the irony is that we can now, because of the struggles of the 1960s, afford to go to another country where we have that same kind of blind eye. So we can say, oh, okay, she's just really, really extremely sexual, and she's just completely into you. Or we can look at it and say, well, was that brother who had to shine white folks' shoes really that happy when he was grinning, you know, all the time?

GORDON: Well, as I said, it's a fascinating article in Essence Magazine. The article is called Blame it on Rio, and the author is William Jelani Cobb.

Hey, man, thanks so much.

Extradition - What is extradition?

Extradition is and act of international cooperation consisting in delivering a person, accused or condemned for one or more crimes, to the country claiming him/her. Extradition should be required based on reciprocity of treatment for analog cases.

Is the petition of extradition limited to the countries Brazil has a Treaty?

No. It may be required by any country and to any country. When there is no Treaty, the request should be based on Law 6.815, of August 19, 1980 (Foreigner’s Statute).

With which countries has Brazil an extradition agreement?

Currently, Brazil has Extradition Treaties in force celebrated with 18 (eighteen) countries:

Argentina - executed on November 15, 1961 and enacted by Statute nº 62.979;

Australia - executed on August 22, 1994 and enacted by Statute nº 2.010, of September 25, 1996;

Belgium - executed on May 6, 1953 and enacted by Statute nº 41.909, of July 29, 1957;

Bolivia - executed on February 25,1938 and enacted by Statute nº 9.920, of July 8, 1942;

Chile - executed on November 8, 1935 and enacted by Statute nº 1.888, of August 17, 1937;

Colombia - executed on December 28, 1938 and enacted by Statute nº 6.330, of September 25, 1940;

Ecuador - executed on March 4, 1937 and enacted by Statute nº 2.950, of August 8, 1938;

South Korea - executed on September 1st, 1995 and enacted by Statute nº 4.152 of March 7, 2002;

Spain - executed on February 2, 1988 and enacted by Statute nº 99.340, of June 22, 1990;

United States - executed on January 13, 1961 and enacted by Statute nº 55.750, of February 11, 1965;

Italy - executed on October 17, 1989 and enacted by Statute nº 863, of July 9, 1993;

Mexico - executed on December 28, 1933 and enacted by Statute nº 2.535, of March 22, 1938;

Paraguay - executed on February 24, 1922 and enacted by Statute nº 16.925, of May 27, 1925;

Peru - executed on February 13, 1919 and enacted by Statute nº 15.506, of May 31, 1922;

Portugal - executed on May 7, 1991 and enacted by Statute nº 1.325, of December 2, 1994;

United Kingdom - executed on July 18, 1995 and enacted by Statute nº 2.347, of October 10, 1997;

Switzerland - executed on July 23, 1932 and enacted by Statute nº23.997, of March 13, 1934;

Uruguay - executed on December 27, 1916 and enacted by Statute nº 13.414, of January 15, 1919;

Venezuela - executed on December 7, 1938 and enacted by Statute nº 5.362, of March 12, 1940.

Currently, there are bills of extradition Treaties with Canada, France, Russia, Lebanon, and the member states of the MERCOSUL pending for examination at the National Congress.

The Extradition Treaty executed between the countries of the MERCOSUL and associated countries (Bolivia and Chile) has been already ratified by Brazil through Statute nº 35, 2002, however, to be in force internationally, the ratification of at least two member states of the Mercosul is needed, as well as one associated country. Until this date, only Brazil and Uruguay have ratified the Agreement.

Extradition- Which are the cases when Brazil does not deliver the extradited party?

Brazil should not deliver the extradited party to the requiring State without this latest assuming the following commitments, set forth on art. 91 of Law 6.815/80: the extradited party should not be arrested nor processed for any facts previous to the petition; to compute the prison time that, in Brazil, is imposed by virtue of extradition; to commute into a penalty depriving freedom the corporal or death penalty, safe, as to the latest, the cases where the Brazilian law allows its application; the extradited party should not be delivered, without Brazil consent, to other State that claims him/her; no political reason should be considered as to aggravate the penalty.

The Supreme Court admits the extradition of individuals condemned in the requiring country to the penalty of life imprisonment, except if its inadmissibility is expressly set forth in a Treaty.

Are Brazilians extradited by Brazil?

No. According to art. 5º, letter LI of the Federal Constitution, under no hypothesis the extradition of natural Brazilians should be admitted. For naturalized Brazilians, guaranteeing extradition may be granted, if the delicts supposedly performed abroad were performed before their naturalization, or proven involvement with illicit drug traffic, according to the Brazilian law.

As a consequence of that constitutional disposition, Brazil most of the times should not be successful while applying for the extradition of a national of the required country, due to the impossibility of offering reciprocity in treatment.

However, in this case, the Judiciary Power may route the pertinent documentation to the Ministry of Justice, that should formalize to the required country, by diplomatic means, the petition of inception of an accusatory procedure in order that the runaway is sued and judged in his/her country of origin.

In addition to the prohibition of extraditing natural Brazilian, which are the other cases of inadmissibility of extradition, as per the Brazilian legislation?

According to arts. 77 and 78 of the Foreigner’s Statute, extradition should not be granted when: the fact motivating the petition is not considered as a crime in Brazil; the Brazilian law imposes to the crime a prison penalty equal or under one year; the extradited party is responding to a process for which he/she was already condemned ort absolved in Brazil, for the same fact the petition is based on; punishment is extinct by prescription of the punishing pretension; the fact constitutes a political crime; the extradited party should answer, in the requiring State, at the Court of Exception; the crime is not committed in the territory of the requiring State.

Eventually, the extradition of individuals condemned by Brazilian justice may only be required to another country if the penalty is initially served in closed regime, in the terms of the Brazilian legislation.

sábado, 21 de novembro de 2009

Michelin va a construir una nueva fábrica en Brasil

PARIS, 21 Nov 2009 (AFP)

El gigante francés de los neumáticos Michelin va a construir una nueva fábrica de neumáticos para autos en Brasil, con una producción que se iniciará en 2013, declaró el sábado el presidente del grupo Michel Rollier.

La fábrica se ubicará en Resende, cerca de Rio de Janeiro, según afirma Rollier al diario financiero La Tribune.

Esta nueva usina permitirá al grupo "triplicar sus capacidades locales", afirmó sin mas precisiones.

"Nuestra primera prioridad es China e India", añadió, anunciando un "proyecto de inversiones de 800 millones de dólares" para una de sus fábricas chinas.

Michel Rollier, que dirige solo el grupo desde la muerte accidental de Edouard Michelin en 2006, aseguró en otra declaración a la radio France Info que el crecimiento de su grupo se ubica ahora "en China, en India, en Brasil".

Interrogado sobre si Michelin puede volver a convertirse en suministrador del campeonato del mundo de Fórmula 1 tras la retirada de su competidor Bridgestone, Rollier respondió que era "demasiado pronto" para responder.


Position commune de la France et du Brésil sur le changement climatique

La France et le Brésil réitèrent leur conviction que le changement climatique est l’un des défis les plus urgents auxquels nous faisons face aujourd’hui et qu’il exige une réponse globale immédiate guidée par les principes de justice et d’équité. Les deux pays soulignent que la lutte contre le changement climatique est un impératif qui doit être entièrement compatible avec une croissance économique durable et l’éradication de la pauvreté. Ils souscrivent aux conclusions scientifiques du Quatrième rapport d’évaluation du Groupe d’experts intergouvernemental sur l’évolution du climat (GIEC) et soutiennent l’objectif de limitation de la hausse de la température moyenne mondiale à 2°C au-dessus des niveaux pré-industriels. Le respect de cet objectif implique un pic des émissions mondiales le plus tôt possible et une réduction des émissions mondiales d’au moins 50% d’ici à 2050 par rapport à 1990.

La France et le Brésil ont décidé de travailler ensemble avant la 15ème Conférence des Parties à la Convention cadre des Nations Unies sur le changement climatique qui se tiendra à Copenhague en décembre 2009. Ils soulignent l’importance d’établir des ponts entre les pays et s’engagent à favoriser le développement d’une vision commune entre le G77/Chine et les pays les plus industrialisés. Ils soulignent l’importance que deux pays avec des situations nationales et régionales différentes puissent exprimer des positions communes sur les thèmes majeurs des négociations sur le changement climatique. Ils sont déterminés à accélérer le rythme des négociations afin de parvenir à un accord ambitieux basé sur la feuille de route de Bali, à Copenhague, à la fin de cette année.

La France et le Brésil s’engagent à coopérer afin de renforcer le régime international contre le changement climatique en rehaussant le niveau d’ambition de la mise en oeuvre de la Convention cadre des Nations unies sur le changement climatique et de son Protocole de Kyoto. A cet égard, ils rappellent que toutes les parties doivent formuler, mettre en oeuvre, publier et actualiser leurs programmes nationaux comportant les mesures destinées à atténuer le changement climatique et à faciliter l’adaptation. Ces plans nationaux doivent être les vecteurs d’une croissance sobre en carbone.

Ils soulignent que tous les pays de l’Annexe I de la Convention des Nations unies doivent adopter des nouveaux objectifs ambitieux de réduction des émissions à moyen terme, conformément à leurs responsabilités et à leurs capacités, historiques et actuelles, et cohérents avec la limitation du réchauffement à 2°C et les recommandations du GIEC. Les pays de l’Annexe I doivent adopter des trajectoires de réduction cohérentes avec leur objectif de réduire leurs émissions d’au moins 80 % d’ici à 2050 par rapport à 1990. Dans ce contexte, ils conviennent de l’importance cruciale d’une comparabilité des réductions appliquées à l’ensemble de l’économie entre tous les pays de l’Annexe I.

Pour leur part, les pays ne relevant pas de l’Annexe I doivent rechercher une croissance sobre en carbone en mettant en oeuvre des actions nationales appropriées d’atténuation ("NAMAs") dans le cadre du développement durable, facilité et soutenu par les pays développés avec des financements nouveaux et additionnels, une coopération technologique et un renforcement des capacités nationales.

Les pays en développement devraient aussi contribuer activement à l’effort mondial par une déviation substantielle de l’augmentation de leurs émissions par rapport au scénario "business as usual", en cohérence avec les recommandations du GIEC, avec pour objectif de réduire l’intensité carbone de leurs économies et d’atteindre un pic d’émissions le plus tôt possible, en gardant à l’esprit que le développement économique et social et l’éradication de la pauvreté sont les premières priorités des pays en développement.

Nos deux pays appuieront la création d’un registre dans le cadre de la mise en place d’un système de mesure, communication et vérification des actions nationales d’atténuation des pays en développement et du soutien financier accordé par les pays développés. Ce registre servirait à flécher les moyens d’appui à la mise en oeuvre des actions d’atténuation par les pays en développement, et permettrait ainsi de contribuer à l’accroissement de l’effort d’atténuation au niveau mondial.

La France et le Brésil soulignent également l’importance de l’adaptation aux effets néfastes du changement climatique et conviennent que l’atténuation et l’adaptation devraient se voir accorder la même importance par la Convention. En dépit de leur responsabilité limitée sur le changement climatique, les pays en développement font déjà face à ses conséquences néfastes. La France et le Brésil soulignent la nécessité d’élaborer un cadre juste, global et robuste pour l’adaptation. Ce cadre doit inclure un soutien financier nouveau et substantiel pour les pays en développement, particulièrement les pays pauvres et vulnérables d’Afrique, les pays les moins avancés et les petits Etats insulaires, afin qu’ils puissent faire face au fardeau que le changement climatique ajoute au défi du développement économique et social et à l’éradication de la pauvreté.

Ils rappellent que la mise à disposition de ressources financières constitue l’un des éléments clés d’une mise en oeuvre intégrale, efficace et soutenue de la Convention. Dans ce contexte, ils soulignent que l’augmentation graduelle du financement public international sera indispensable à une conclusion positive de la COP-15. Ils soulignent le rôle des instruments financiers, des mécanismes innovants et du secteur privé pour soutenir les actions d’atténuation et d’adaptation ainsi que le développement et le transfert des technologies. Les investissements doivent soutenir la croissance sobre en carbone et des modes de production et de consommation durables.

La France et le Brésil mettent en relief la nécessité d’une coopération accrue entre pays développés et en développement pour la recherche, le développement, le déploiement, la diffusion et le transfert de technologies vertes. La coopération technologique peut être approfondie par la création de pôles internationaux de partage des connaissances et de l’information et par le renforcement des capacités nationales, ainsi que par l’établissement de centres nationaux et régionaux de technologies respectueuses de l’environnement. Des solutions innovantes seront également nécessaires pour améliorer de manière significative l’accès aux technologies.

Ils soulignent l’importance de stimuler l’action visant à réduire les émissions dues à la déforestation et à la dégradation de la forêt dans les pays en développement (REDD). Ils reconnaissent que cet objectif constitue un élément important des efforts d’atténuation accomplis par certains pays en développement et qu’il peut jouer un rôle important dans l’action mondiale de lutte contre le changement climatique.

La réduction des émissions liées à la déforestation et à la dégradation de la forêt, à travers la préservation des forêts, la gestion durable et l’accroissement des stocks de carbone dans les forêts, pourra et devra avoir un double bénéfice social et environnemental.

Dans cette optique, la France et le Brésil conviennent que ces activités devraient se voir accorder un soutien financier et technologique adéquat, dans le cadre des actions nationales appropriées d’atténuation à mener par les pays en développement. Ils insistent sur la nécessité de renforcer la coopération - Nord-Sud et Sud-Sud - en matière de renforcement des capacités et de technologie dans le secteur forestier, notamment l’utilisation d’instruments de télédétection. Ils s’engagent à veiller à ce que la réduction des émissions due à la déforestation fasse partie des conclusions de Copenhague et soutiennent l’inclusion de cet objectif dans le cadre de la Convention.

La France et le Brésil soulignent la nécessité de résultats ambitieux en matière de réduction des émissions de gaz à effet de serre à l’échelle mondiale. Dans cette optique, ils mettent en exergue le rôle de l’efficacité énergétique et des sources d’énergie renouvelables, y compris les sources bioénergétiques socialement et environnementalement durables.

La France et le Brésil s’accordent sur la nécessité de créer une organisation internationale consacrée à l’environnement et au développement durable, pour donner plus de cohérence aux efforts de la communauté internationale dans ces domaines. Ils sont convaincus qu’une impulsion décisive devrait être donnée à Copenhague en décembre, afin que l’Organisation mondiale soit mise en place à la Conférence Rio+20 à Rio de Janeiro en 2012.

Source: France-Diplomatie